Olivia Andrews
"Olivia believes good eating begins in the family and from a young age. Her healthy, flavour-packed recipes combine global influence with nutritional balance and a generous approach to vegetables."
Olivia Andrews is a mum, cookbook author, food writer and previous Head of Culinary at Marley Spoon. With 15 years experience, Olivia has worked with some of Australia's most prestigious food magazines and TV shows, including Delicious, SBS Feast, Destination Flavour, MasterChef and The Biggest Loser. Olivia has written three cookbooks including Whole Food Slow Cooked, Healthy Thermo Cooking For Busy Families and Three Veg and Meat, where she puts the focus on nutritional balance and a generous approach to vegetables on the plate. Olivia is also the ambassador for Nutrition Australia's Try For 5 campaign where Australians are encouraged to increase their vegetable consumption to the recommended five serves per day.