About Marley Spoon

We love cooking
Marley Spoon is all about inspiring you to cook recipes from scratch in 6 easy steps. With a focus on locally sourced, pre-portioned ingredients for zero food waste and easy recipes, we take the guesswork out of cooking a delicious meal.

Unique suppliers
Technology allows us to become your local greengrocer, butcher and fishmonger all at once! It gives us the opportunity to reconnect you with the core values of knowing exactly where your food comes from. We work with key suppliers to bring you the best ingredients including Bundaberg business Halt for Holts sweet potatoes, free-range Lilydale chicken and Tassal Tasmanian Salmon. Building relationships with sustainable suppliers ensures that we are more than just an online shop!

A focus on sustainability
We use reusable chill packs made from 85% sugar cane to keep your food fresh during transit. Our packaging is 100% recyclable, either by kerbside recycling or by recycling through REDcycle at most major supermarkets.
By cooking with Marley Spoon, you’re also helping us in the fight against food waste as we only deliver you with the exact portions of what you need for each meal.
We operate in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). Click here to read our 2020 Modern Slavery Statement.